The Michigan Jazz Festival and its programming body have always had a firm commitment to jazz education. The Future of Jazz stage is dedicated to the promotion of young and upcoming Michigan artists as well as providing activities that empower their growth.
Understanding the importance of performance for all levels of young jazz musicians, the Future of Jazz stage is inviting the following groups of young musicians to apply to perform 45-minute sets for its audience:
- High school jazz bands or large ensembles
- High school or high school age combos
- University jazz bands or large ensembles
- University combos
The reasons why you should consider applying to have your students perform at the Michigan Jazz Festival are:
- At no cost, students will have a plethora of choices in viewing some of the outstanding professional bands in Michigan.
- They will gain performance experience, often having the chance to play for hundreds of jazz fans.
- Students will have the option to hear and mix with other students in other jazz programs.
- They will spend the day in a safe, contained environment with available nearby food.
- If sent by a school, they will potentially increase their jazz program’s visibility.
- Students will be able to invite family and friends to their performance. The Michigan Jazz Festival has no attendance fee.
The Future of Jazz stage also selects students to play for professional musicians in its “Playing With the Pros” show. This hour-long clinic will allow Michigan Jazz Festival selected musicians to mentor and guide young, promising musicians in front of a live audience. The show will culminate in a performance with both “pros” and apprentices.
If you have any questions, contact Scott Gwinnell at wscottgwinnell@gmail.com.